Back Yard Bird List

It is always interesting to me to record the birds that visit the gardens around which I live. Here is a list of those that I have seen here.

Grey Fantail
Willy Wagtail
New Holland Honeyeater
Western Rosella
Red Wattlebird
Brown Honeyeater (Usually only until the NH Honeyeaters take chase)
Welcome Swallow on roof
Black-faced Cuckoo-Shrike
White-breasted Robin (in mid-summer in eucalyptus out back, not seen since.)
Western Silvereye
Yellow-rumped Thornbill (brief stop, several birds 12 May 2011)
Red-capped Parrot
Rufous Whistler (female x 1 in the garden/on deck on the 8th July 2011 with silvereyes.)
Grey Currawong (Nov 2012)
Australian Raven
Western Magpie
Grey Shrike-Thrush (2012)
Splendid Wren/Red-winged Wren (to be confirmed)
Horsefields Bronze Cuckoo (Winter 2016)
Pallid Cuckoo (2015)

Passing Overhead

Sacred Ibis
Little Black Cormorant
Elegant Parrot
Purple-Crowned Lorikeet
Black-shouldered Kite
Nankeen Kestrel
Little Eagle
White-tailed Black Cockatoo
Red-tailed Black Cockatoo
Straw-necked Ibis