Sunday, November 20, 2011

New Look Blog

Time for a change! I've been looking at other templates to use as things were getting too cluttered for me with the old blog template. It's all in keeping with my new mantra to simplify, simplify, simplify!

I reminded myself also while reading last night that permaculture is about design. A design system, as Bill Mollison puts it, for creating sustainable human environments. I like to think there is a good dashing of simplicity in there too, but not at the risk of jeopardising effectiveness.

It's a philosophy of working with nature, rather than against it. It's about thoughtful observation and practicalities rather than thoughtless labour and wastefulness. Incorporating plants and animals in all their functions instead of limiting it to just treating various elements as single, productive entities.

Well - there is a lot of that multifunction stuff going on in the backyard but inside the house - stuff is more malfunction at the moment. I don't think the two should be separated. So, I am making small changes. Simplify.

Simple. Easy. Effective. 

Changing the blog template is a small change. But it's easier for me to look at now.

What do you think?

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